Can Plants Really Protect Us?

Can Plants Really Protect Us?

Clinical Research findings are consistent in showing how certain plant extracts can enhance protection against routine exposure to environmental factors and how they may also help reverse the cumulative effects of photoaging. Decades of research provides persuasive evidence that the proper use (combination and dosage) of these plant extracts may significantly reduce not only your skin cancer risk, but your overall photoaging risk.

Call to Action:
In medicine, the concept of supplementing with plant extracts for systemic photo protection is not a new concept. We have nearly two decades of peer reviewed research to confirm the beneficial role plant extracts play in not only photo protection but increasing the body’s natural abilities to protect itself against environmental toxins. In the last few years, botanical ingredients have gained the attention of researchers, the cosmetic industry and consumers around the world.

These photo protective agents not only contain large amounts of antioxidant compounds, but also plant extracts you may not find in your everyday diet. Skin is constantly exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is the primary culprit behind skin issues like photo damage, (think fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation) as well as melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. The majority of the annual UV dose that causes this damage is induced by erythema in the skin received during regular daily activities, when sunscreen is not typically applied. Without added topical protection, the skin relies solely on its natural defenses. Micronutrients play a vital role in absorbing UV radiation, acting as antioxidants and regulating signaling pathways triggered by UV exposure. Erythema caused by UV exposure is a useful measure for evaluating photoprotection.

Dietary sources of protection include carotenoids, tocopherols, ascorbate, flavonoids, and omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to lifelong skin resistance and maintenance. It has become evident that the most significant UV exposure occurs during everyday activities, emphasizing the importance of dietary supplementation with plant extracts throughout all stages of life.

Duettes' proprietary blend containing various Phenolic compounds, Alkaloids and Caroteinoids constitute for the protective benefits obtained from various plant compounds. Plants are an important source of vitamins, minerals and molecules.  When used properly, these actives can help to protect and prevent the damage caused by ultra-violet radiation and harmful environmental toxins in our everyday life.

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